Aircraft flying round a spherical world

hello please I am trying to make an air craft fly over a spherical world . i use a pawn were i set an add force for the movement( which is alright ). now the physics I set to keep the aircraft orbiting the sphere is not working properly, only keep flying upward after a given time. I have watch several tutorials online for that, and the problem was not solved. below is the blueprint for the orbiting . thank you in advance

I can’t say anything about your actual problem, but another, fundamentally different approach would be that you attach the plane to the sphere or you place a scene root at the center of the sphere and attach the plane to that scene root. then you can basically let the plane fly by rotating the scene root.

thanks man will try that way

please can you make demonstration ? i can find my way still

Just a fundamental example to demonstrate.

Create a new blank blueprint project with starter content with UE 5.0.3. Name the project whatever you want.
Download the map and place it directly into the content folder of your newly created project.
Open the map and press play.

The crucial thing is, that the “Airplane” is attached to the airplane root in the world outliner and the animation comes from rotating the root. All components of the system must be set to mobility. The airplane root is at the center of the spherical world. You move the airplane by rotating the root. The higher the value for the rotation the faster it flies.
The logic is inside the level blueprint, just one node at event tick which adds rotation value. Instead of tick I think it would be better to use a timeline.

thank you for your help. i got the logic now

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