I want to create a Coin Character which is controlled by the player while falling down a well. The idea is to only be able to rotate the coin around one axis and thus control its fall:
- If the coin lies horizontally ( _ ← like this) it should fall slower
- If the coin is oriented vertically ( I ← like this) it should fall faster
- If it’s tilted to one side ( / ← like this or \ ← like this) it should move either left or right direction
The camera view is looking from the side like in a Side Scroller and the coin will only move on the YZ plane.
As the described controls match how (I think) it would work with real physics (maybe better simulated with a piece of paper or a plane) I wonder how I could achieve this behavior naturally with Unreal Physics.
I think the standard Physics stuff doesn’t consider air resistance and how it applies differently on different points of the mesh (the coin here). Is there another component for that, or some other way to simulate it?
Or would it be the easiest way to just code everything (apply different acceleration depending on the rotation angle of the coin)?
Any ideas are much appreciated