air dash once

Just wondering if I can make my dash mechanic work while falling but only once. I know at the moment the dash is disabled when falling

Hey @windangeling! Welcome to the forums!

It looks like your booleans are backwards :stuck_out_tongue: it makes things a little hard to read. For instance, right now it looks like it’s asking “Can you dash? If the answer is ‘No you cannot dash’ then execute dash!” which will add to the confusion. :slight_smile: Try changing it to “Dash Unavailable” or flipping the T’s to F’s and vice versa!

Anyway, on that branch, off of false, you can do another branch for the same two variables except you’ll be looking for “IsFalling: TRUE” instead of False, so you know you’re airborne.

You’ll want to make a bool for “Can Air Dash?”. Then you’ll set that to false after your dash if you only want to do it once.

To reset it, you’ll want to add a branch node to “Event Tick” that will check for "CanAirDash?"being false. If it is true, continue with Tick, if False, check for IsFalling, and if IsFalling= False, then “Set: Can Air Dash?: True.” :slight_smile: