As far as I can understand, it seems to be crashing due to the PlayerShip Blueprint, but it seems to be even more, because right after i removed the blueprint from the project, it detected the other blueprints who has AIperceptions, I tried fixing the stuff but it seems to be whenever i paste the previous save of those blueprints back to the project Content, it automatically crashes… this 3 Blueprints are worth 2-3 Working days of Scripting and this would be a huge setback if I cant retrieve this back… I need help please
The crash listed in the thread you’ve linked to should have been fixed in 4.14, but out of curiosity could you try upgrading a copy of your project to 4.15 to see if the same crash occurs there as well?
If not, I’d appreciate it if we can work towards isolating the issue and reproducing it in a clean project so that we are able to reopen the ticket if need be.