AIMoveTo Node always Failing

Creating an RPG game by following the RPG beginner course from vPoly(Youtube), Everything seems to be working fine before this tutorial after this tutorial AImoveto node starts failing. I tried a couple of solutions like deleting and re-adding recast nav mesh and nav mesh bound volume, Changing map a couple of times, Adjusting Pawn Sensing Settings, Creating a new character, and adding ai part to it but nothing works pls help

I know just what you mean. I think I will try to create my own AI like behavior without using that node and built in functions. Surely it is possible.

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moveto task is also not working in behavior tree, is it possible without using that task? Sorry if it is a silly question

I don’t know much of anything about AI really. But there is simple move to location, maybe that can be used to go to the player character. Instead of a nav mesh I was thinking of using a big box collision around the player and if the enemy character is overlapping that box to then go to or seek the player.