AIMoveTo acting strange, rotating around like crazy

I’m having an issue with the AIMoveTo node. I have a very simple blueprint that finds a random location on the navmesh then AIMoveTo tells the Ai Controller to move there. It sort of works, however as you can see in the video, the Ai controller just spins around and acts all jittery. I tested this out on a flat surface because originally, I was trying to navigate this AI through a maze (which is generated randomly when the game starts) and it was getting stuck on walls and corners. But it still seems to get confused even on a flat plane, so I know it’s not an issue with the maze or the generation.

Any suggestions?

Try to store the initial location, i believe it trying to re get the actor location from your code during the MoveTo destination.

From the video it looks like you need to disable ‘can ever affect navigation’ on your agent since it forces constant recreation of navmesh and cutting holes underneath the agent.