I am learning how to use Aimoffsets and so far I know that they are used with the mouse. My game does not use the mouse outside of controlling the camera for the pc version. I was wondering if someone could point me to a good starting point in learning how to set them up and I was wondering if they can be used with outside actors controlling them.
Example: I have an aimoffset that moves the head around as if the character is following something. I would like to blend this with my blendspace and animmontages so that the character’s head turns to look at enemy wherever it may move.
For your example you might be better off to run a trace and use a rotator on the head bone and activate via the event graph. Something to consider though is what happens when more than one target is in view?
Well it would be whenever there is a target lock so I have a function that gathers all enemies in range, and sets a variable which is the closest enemy. When you lock on, it locks onto that enemy no matter if another is closest so that would be the target for the aimoffset. I will try the method you described though. May not be too bad!