Hello! I am writing this post to ask for advice regarding an issue I encountered while using Unreal Engine.
When my character is running (using a Run Animation), the head appears to sway side to side. After analyzing the issue, I realized that this swaying is caused by the Pelvis bone swinging left and right. This movement propagates down the bone hierarchy, affecting all the child bones (Spine_01, Spine_02, Spine_03, Head, etc.), causing them to sway along with the Pelvis. This problem becomes particularly noticeable when using Aim Offset, as the swaying disrupts the desired behavior.
Here is the relevant bone hierarchy:
- Pelvis
- Spine_01
- Spine_02
- Spine_03
- Head
- Spine_03
- Spine_02
- Spine_01
I have already tried using Layered Blend Per Bone to isolate the Spine_01 and its child bones, but the Pelvis’s swaying motion still seems to influence them as shown below:
I am confident that the issue lies with the Pelvis’s side-to-side swaying motion.
What logic or nodes can I use to ensure that the Aim Offset is not affected by the Pelvis’s swaying? Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!