Aimoffset blending

Hey i am trying for a tps by following some random videos on youtube but I am not able to fine blend for my aim offset

but in video he is able to keep and also that(aimoffset) is representing in blue color

What is not working exactly? Have you tried to plug the pitch variable for “pitch” entry? Do you have correct additive poses in the Aim Offset? How do you compute the pitch value?

You have to create this variable, and set the value in the event graph of the anim blueprint

In second screenshot you can observe there is pin for animation (AIMOFFSET1D node)
but 9(in first screenshot i am not able to get that input pin

the one in red is not there for me you can observe the screenshot above so i am asking how to get that (the highlighted one is screenshot of a youtube video )

I think I get it. On your graph the one without pin is called “aim offset” but actually it is a blendspace. The AIm Offset and blendspace are differents indeed, Aim offset takes in a pose (hence the pin), and the blendspace only takes values (and has no pin)

How can i create this red highlighted node??

I can able to create float variable and set it

The one in red is a pose, you plugged it well. I was talking about the float. Your Aim Offset needs a float value to know how to blend its poses. If you keep it at 0, there is no blend

So how can i get that pin now. Please expand what you are saying

In the content browser, right click on your skeleton ->Create-> Aim Offset 1D
You now have this blue asset with a pose pin that you can drag and drop in your graph

I tried but that pose pin is not coming for me

However to use an Aim Offset you need additive poses. I suggest looking at the doc here : Creating an Aim Offset | Unreal Engine Documentation