Aiming prediction


I’m trying to figure out an aiming prediction for a projectile affected by gravity. I need to calculate the gun rotation for the future location of the target accordingly to the projectile trajectory.
Earlier I made this implementation for the case if there is no gravity.

I can’t figure out how to take into account gravity. Also, I found that the projectile gravity scale in the projectile movement doesn’t affect the Projectile Velocity Vector (Get Velocity node). As I understood this gravity scale is fake physics.
And I don’t understand how exactly this affects the projectile velocity vector

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Did you know about this?

Yes, I recently found this node but I haven’t figured out how to use this yet. This node just shows a trajectory

I’m not entirely sure how it works, but isn’t the last point where it’s going to hit?

Yes but I need the opposite result, I need to calculate the gun rotation for the future location of the target accordingly to the projectile trajectory.

That, I don’t know… :thinking: