Aimation Blueprints

HI All

I would really appreciate a little help with animation blueprints.

Heres what I have done

  • Imported my FBX, with multi track animations
  • After setting up all materials, i right click on the mesh with skeleton, and create ANIM BLUEPRINT
  • I open up the blueprint editor, and drag all the animations into the blueprint
  • I then try each animation, by attaching each separate to the main node, compile, and press play - each animation works fine
  • I save, and return to the main workspace
  • I drag my BLUEPRINT version of my character into the 3d view
  • That now plays the animation i just attached
  • I note though, that when i select the character(the blueprint version) in the 3d view, i thought there would be a drop down editor of all the animations i imported into the blueprint workspace?? Why do i have to keep going into the blueprint, connect up the animation i want, save and come back into the 3d view
  • Now, re packaging up the folder with the caracter, materials, blueprint in to test on a fresh install - i simply select all the folders as part of the character, then move them to a fresh install
  • A customer of mine has reported, that the files he tried where missing the skeleton in the blueprint, when he tried connecting up the one provided, it says thats incorrect?

Anyone who helps me here with this, can select two free packs from my website

I used your horse and got no trouble : Compare what i did to see where possible issue :
I import mesh texture anim in a unique folder to test. I create material if needed. I create character bp and anim bp, both based on mycharacter bp and anim bp. I set the state machine in anim graph to fit to actions (an idle/run blend from where i set jump / rear / kick and others) and do the same bool system as in character bp. Horse does all anims i added and linked.

Pm me which character had issue, i’ll give a try on it and may be find the trouble.

Edit : not sure if i used multi track or not. I suppose not.

Can you make a sample package of how you have your packaging set up available?

Blueprints however generally don’t contain the animations but rather is referenced to the skeletal rig.

The safe way to do it.

Import the main character model with out animations in the default bind pose.
Set to import skeletal with out animations (set to none)
This will extract the mesh into one file and the rig into another.
Batch import the animations as “single” track animations targeted at the the character rig you first imported.

Any additional character models should then be imported, if it’s using the same rig, using the first imported skeletal.

A bit confusing as there is no need for a animation blueprint as part of a raw asset package and a blueprint character is only needed as a run time component.

Thankyou for helping me, really appreciated

I think in the first issue its the setting up of the animation blueprint that confuses me - Fen,mentioned he set up the animations, blends etc, but at this stage that’s probably a little ahead of my knowledge base at this time.

Did I do right, by dragging the animations into the blueprint, but not actually connecting them all together - just connecting the animation I needed to see previewed at that one time.
I just thought that once all the animations are in the blueprint, they would show in a drop down box when I use them on the blueprint version of the model.

Frankie, that’s interesting - so in theory, I don’t need to set up any blueprint for use by my customers?

PLease email me too at for a few free packs.

I totally agree with FrankieV. As i said, i did the character and the anim blueprint ( based on ue4 stuff) . This is not a part you would have to do, especially considering that regularly some specific set-up will be needed, asking changes. Only thing is to be sure that mesh, textures, collision and anims are ok. Next part is job of the ue4 user. And maybe : Do substance : you’ll be the king of ue4 !!! :stuck_out_tongue:

I ever have packs so feel free to continue ue4 adds / modifies as you do, i’ll love them (and take a look at my horse please, or did i missed import there too ?)^^

Hi ! I subscribed to Arteria3d and it’s awesome! It’s awesome to hear you’re moving everything over to UE4. I have imported the horse, and am trying now to get it in game and playable. I am also going to do a random generation to horse armor(would be REALLY cool to have multiple types of horse armor, but no rush :slight_smile: ). I am in the process of trying to figure out how to combine all these meshes into one draw call so you can get a really large number of Knights on screen at once.