Aim offset, the character is streched

I’ve created am AimOffset and now I try to set it in the Animation Blueprint, but the character isn’t in it’s normal position. What should I do? Thanks!

Got same issue

Hi ,

Please take a look at the video posted on this thread and let me know if this is the same problem you are experiencing:


The issue can be resolved by following steps 3 and 4 under “Creating the Aim Offset” in the following documentation: Creating an Aim Offset in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation.

“In the pop-up window, search for and add the [xxxxxxx] animation sequence.”

“…This will be used as the Preview Base Pose to blend from once we start adding our aim poses to the Aim Offset.”

This animation sequence will also be what’s substituted as the idle animation in the locomotion graph (Step 3 under “Finishing Up”)

*If you have “None” selected as the Preview Base Pose it will result in your character being distorted when your Aim Offset is used in the AnimBlueprint.

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This worked thank you!