Aim offset parameters window missing?

4.15 moves parameters into the asset details panel under 'Axis Settings’

Hello, I’ve been trying to set up aim offset for my character and have made the nine animations facing in the different directions. I’ve followed the docs and other examples so far but once I create the aimoffset for my skeleton I don’t see a parameters window in the bottom center. Is this a 4.15 thing because the content examples I have is still in 4.14?

Here’s my aimoffset at the bottom with the Owen example at the top.

Looks like I answered my own question. This is a change in 4.15, making an aim offset of the same skeleton in a 4.14 version has the parameters window. Does anyone know how to get it up in 4.15?

Hi friend.
Look in the left tab (Asset Details) / Axis Settings / Horizontal Axis - Vertical Axis.
I believe is what you are looking for. It is a little different in 4.15, but it still there :slight_smile: