Hi all,
i recently created an aim offset with this tut https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlWgSzXAnbk however whenever i run two clients my mouse moves both players, also when the other character looks to the right he stays locked in place then flicks to the right and same with the left, in addition to this whenever i look down my character slows down (walking/running) here are my images of the movement script (i think its to do with the movement component): https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipNQIpU8KY3XLoAF2jSptm4Z3TezFAoBFT-aQEH- https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipM3bSq3xlI0pWRJnVWmMPlyeQjqCvcQuF8aUIcC
If you need anything else please ask,
Thanks all.