I don’t seem to understand, I followed tutorials step by step, nothing is wrong and still when I try to aim with my character, he doesn’t follow with the aim offset animation. I’ve added their additive mesh space animation frame to idle_rifle_ironsights, all of the aim offset animation respectively. But still, when I play the game, he doesn’t aim anywhere. Now I’m stuck here. Help please.
I also tried setting the locomotion state into idle_rifle_ironsights, it still didn’t work
Does your 3D Blendspace preview correctly when you rollover the different points on the graph? As for the AnimBlueprint, here’s an image of my Event Graph from my working AimOffset for comparison (The text is jagged but still readable when you zoom in.):
I also got the same problem, I triple checked the tutorial and compare to both your graph and the tutorial’s extremely carefully with every nodes and connections, but cannot find any difference.
And my aim offset seems work perfectly when I try it in the preview!
I’m doing this on UE 4.11 btw. Is “Make Rotator” the same as “Make Rot” mentioned in the tutorial?
Hi, I’m actually saying the preview in animation editor when there is a 2D space where you can move mouse to check the aim offset.
But the preview of Animation Graph of idle state doesn’t work. The character just standing there with idle_rifle_ironsight pose.
Is there anyone successfully created a aim offset following the “Creating Aim offset” tutorial in 4.11? Please confirm this for me.