I’m having quite the issue with our AI in our project. Here’s the setup so far:
AIModule is included in project CS
Enemy (ACharacter) has a BehaviorTree variable assigned
AIController (AController) has both BehaviorTreeComponent & BlackboardComponent
AIController - OnPossess → Initializes blackboard & StartTree(CharRef->BehaviorTree)
Enemy AIController is assigned via “Spawned or Placed in World”
The blueprint child of the Character class sets the AIController class to use - and its appropriate BehaviorTree variable.
When I playtest the project as DEDICATED SERVER + SingleProcess(True) - this works fine. . . AIController is assigned/possesses the pawn correctly and the behavior tree funcitonality works as designed.
When I playtest the project as Dedi + SingleProcess(False) (which is supposed to be as close to pure packaged game as PIE mode can get) - the controller is assigned but the pawn is never possessed (I can Shift+F1 and select the AIBot and see its assigned controller)…
I have troubleshot this left & right - and cannot come up with any working solution. What am I missing here?