AI won't move when actor is placed in Nav Mesh

I have a simple scene with a AI that has a AIController, Behaviour Tree and and BLackBoard. I have a task with a AIMoveTo, here it just moves the Ai to a random position.
The problem is that when i place another Actor in the scene that is supposed to be an obstacle in the nav mesh, the AI just won’t move.
I narrowed it down to the problem, that it is the collision settings in the placed actor. Specifically the Pawn collision. With it is on, the AI won’t move and with it off, it just ignores the Actor but moves in the nav mesh.
My Question:
How can i have it that the Actor is being avoided by the AI and that the AI is moving?

I tried using a box collision with “dynamic onstacle” enabled and it did not work.
Then i tried using a NavModifier Component wich, in the “NavArea_Null” Setting cuts out a part of the NavMesh but the Ai will stay still again. With the “NavArea_Obstacle” Setting, it makes the ground underneath the actor orange. If i get a random reachable point in radius, it still picks points with the orange Ground.

Ok i figured it out. I switched the node “Get random reachable Point in radius” for “get random location in navigatable radius”. This now only picks a location that is reachable.
Thx me

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