AI walk back and to the side

I have a Scenario where a character (NPC) is still standing.
I want him to move backwards or to the side with blueprints. I set up a BlendSpace with Direction and Speed for the animations. (Walking backwards and steps to side animations)
I don’t want him to turn around but step back when the target point is behind him and step to the side when the target point is left or right (see picture).

Now I am not sure how I can implement this behavior. Should I use MoveTo? But this is turning the character.
How can I access the direction of my character?
I also want to make use of the navmesh as well.

I know there are many tutorials but most of them are only for player controlled characters. I want to control them with scripts. Thanks! :slight_smile:

Any luck? please share if you found it

I’ve found a way, don’t know if it is the best but it works.

store actor location
Store final position you want backward.
play timeline for 1 second
this timeline force play animation backward until the sweep overlap something (at this point it stop and back to Idle)