AI use Root Motion problems

My AI just simple, move to Player. But problem is Animation it use. I had enable root motion but it pulls the AI back to their original position. I had try to duplicated animation inplace and enable root motion. And it had another problem, AI wasn’t moving but Animation still play. All this pack have same problems. The reasons of this is the pack I used or I had miss something ?

So when you disable root motion, your AI character walks as intended? Also, what are your root motion settings of your animation asset and the animation blueprint using it?

Yes, When disable it walks but look weird, so I want it root for each walk. I use this pack: Zombie1 anims - YouTube . It name is TposeZombie1. I just did it like I use the other pack, download it and use, not setting anything, but the other it still root motion.

Okay, so when you use the root motion walk animation, what is the root motion mode in your animation blueprint? I think “Root Motion from Everything” should be the right setting for applying root motion, but I’m not sure about it. Have you tried switching the root motion mode?

Root Motion from Everything, yeb I had change it too.

There is what I asking for :

This is really great that you uploaded a video! This way I could see that in your animation something is wrong with the root motion. Normally, when you view an animation sequence in the animation editor and have root motion enabled, the root would stick to the center [0,0,0] and the character would “moonwalk” on the same place. But because your character snaps back, this either means that your pelvis bone snaps back in the middle of the animation, or that your root motion is failing. When you uncheck “enable root motion”, does your character walk forward and forward and forward? Also, did you retarget the animation from the original zombie asset to the dummy skeleton? Perhaps something went wrong with that. You can also show the bones to see if the root is moving (there should be a red line when you uncheck “enable root motion” like in the picture from

I used skeleton of this pack, and it had error like that and I tried to retarget to other skeleton. It still had the same error. Maybe reason is this pack. And I must to find another animation for it :(, I want use this because it look awesome :). I’m not good about animation too much so I can’t fix it. Thanks you for spendingtime for help me :slight_smile:

Mixamo pack have issue with root motion.
If u use it be prepared for some rework.

Mixamo pack have issue with root motion.
If u use it be prepared for some rework.