There were no major changes in AI structure in 4.5. Have you tried tutorials on Is it possible you’re doing something wrong?
There were no major changes in AI structure in 4.5. Have you tried tutorials on Is it possible you’re doing something wrong?
I have tried A LOT of AI tutorials out there but they do not work with 4.5.
Like Peter’s A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums
In this tutorial when i cast to the botAI i can’t get the “get controlled pawn”.
Or this: Unreal Engine AI Tutorial #1 - AI Guard Part Two - YouTube
In this tutorial i cant get the “get actor location”.
So is there an AI tutorial that will work in 4.5?
I did everything according to the tutorials.
Also i need Blueprint tutorials as i do not know C++
I’m having the same problem as you LoN i can get everything else in but the Get Actor Location, all i get is a “Get Actor Scale 3d” or “Get Actor Relative Scale 3d” let me know if you get this solved it would be much appreciated, i’m gonna continue to play with the blueprint, i’ll let you know if i get any results.
also to get the “Get controller” node, drag a pin off of the Move to location node, from the Controller pin, and then search for the Get controller
Hey buddy, i got an answer for ya, i found it in this post (Blueprint Communication Changed in 4.5? - Blueprint - Unreal Engine Forums) but in short, open your editor preferences and go to experimental, then uncheck the “Use New Blueprint Menuing System”, i just tried it and it works for getting the locations hope that helps
Thanks, It was already unchecked so i checked it and the “Get controlled pawn” node worked but then i couldn’t “cast to botAI”. When i unchecked it again i could cast to botAI but i could not get the “Get controlled pawn”. By unchecking and checking it again and again i got the connections i wanted but i haven’t tested if this will work in game. when i test it i’ll let you know.
I just tried this tutorial —>
i have done everything as the tutorial says (to find nodes that previously were not visible i kept pressing the "context sensitive button) but nothing is happening.
I find another AI titorial.
Please read the comments for each part of the lesson. Because of the changes in UE4.5 something can not work. And the author explains how to fix it.
Not sure if this is still useful, but I was having this issue (in 4.6) and it was actually solved by bringing my NavMesh up higher (when placed it was halfway under the ground level). Silly issue to me as the NavMesh was still showing green, but that height must have been throwing it off. Don’t have the answer to why yet, but it is now working