AI Travel Distance Problem

Well, there I will explain and see if any good charitable soul would know and want to give me the answer haha: well the subject, as I said, I put the nav mesh on the entire map but it seems that the distance of the AI ​​companion is still limited because in the pawn section / auto possess player, putting the thirdperson in reproduction 0 so that when I press play it disappears and the AI ​​follows me instead of the thirdperson dummy that spawned to configure it, if I move further away from the account the character and I can’t do anything, I mean, just press esc to return to editor mode, and if I disable it, the possess player does not happen to me, but since the mannequin is still in vision on the map, the AI ​​companion stays to follow him, although it does accept my orders such as going to such a place by selecting a place, I have tried several ways but I cannot accommodate it well, please tell me what I should do :kissing_heart: