I’m having trouble giving me enemy Ai a transition rule to chase and eventually attack on sight. I have the Blendspaces for basic movement as well as attacking. I’ve never worked with AI perception, and am trying to use it to set an InRange variable to true to use that as my Transition rule, but to no avail. I’m also having trouble selecting the “Register Perception Stimuli Source” Sense Class without Unreal crashing.
can you please supply the actual question?
How can I code a transition rule so that my enemy AI will change blendspaces when he spots I the player?
I supplied a more specific question. I could really use some help or direction.
Add a bool variable to the enemy class (the one that is controlled by AI controller)
set that bool to represent if your hero is in enemy’s field of view.
in your animation blueprint, add a transition rule that depends on that bool:
B->(not in sight)->A