AI Sense Sources - wrong indexes are being fired


I’ve been stuck on an issue for a couple of days now and just wanted to reach out just in case it’s a known bug. I’ve tried researching the topic online but couldn’t find anyone stuck with the same issue (well that’s a lie - I did but no one responded to them).

There are 2 scenarios in this issue:

  1. AI is not damaged at all - only Sight Sense will execute if the AI sees the player - works as intended.
  2. AI is damaged at least once, and after that even if AI is not being damaged anymore, it will execute Sight Sense and Damage Sense even if it can only see me and is not being damaged.

Is there something I am missing here, is damaged data cached in some way that it still executes previously stored data? Indexing for sensing data works fine up until I start damaging the AI. After that damage sense will fire together with other senses.

I found a hack to sort out this issue by checking if sense age == 0 when dealing with Damage Sense - but I don’t like it at all, I can see it causing bugs later on.

Thank you in advance.