AI Perception

Is it possible to use Perception (mainly sight) for actors that are non-characters i.e. without a controller? If so, is it advisable to do or would it be better to stick with more traditional, highly verbose hard coding? I know you can set an AI Perception component on an actor and also place a ‘Run EQSQuery’ node in the graph (although there’s little support/help on exactly how to use this node) so I would assume based on those 2 things, you can use the EQS System on non-characters but you know what they say about assumption.

What I’m trying to accomplish: It’s a Tower-Defense/RTS style game. Rather than running a bunch of collision/line trace tests to see what/who has entered the “Line of Sight” of one of the towers, I feel it would be better to have an AI Sight Perception keep everything up to date and decide what a good target is and if it’s feasible to attack. I know anything AI in blueprints is expensive but I see it as no more expensive than running all the necessary code to do it otherwise.

Any help, advice, tutorials, experience would be greatly appreciated! I haven’t tested this yet, figured I would see what kind of response I got first before going through the headache of hooking everything up before I realized it wasn’t possible or too big of a hassle.
