AI Perception Successfully Sensed always returning false

Hi, first time asking a question in the forums here.

So I am working with AI Perception in Unreal 5.4.3 and all was working fine, but after I made a change on my BT I notice that my AI Stimulus successfully sensed was always returning false for when my AI saw the player character. I undid the change on my BT thinking it would solve it but the issue still continues.

Is weird because I notice if I trigger first a hearing event and then the AI sees my character the AI Stimulus successfully sensed it will now always return true, but if the AI just sees me the issue happens and AI Stimulus keeps returning false.

Here it is my configuration of AI Perception

Here is my character stimuli source:


Not sure if it is relevant but here is my BT:

Ok, found the issue I think, it is always getting two last sensed stimuli, I was getting always the first element of the array and that was always false, changed it to get the last item of the array and is back working as before. Not sure why it all of sudden it started to return two instead of one.

This is what I change: