I’m trying to use ai perception to have enemies see the player and it seems like the ai sight config is set up correctly but my player just isn’t registering as a source? I’m new to unreal and ai perception so I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong.
Here’s the player not registering as being seen:
Where do you have the perception and source components? Perception should be on the AI controller (though it sometimes works on a pawn, depending on what mood the engine is in), source should be on pawns.
Doesn’t seem like ai hearing is working either. The debugger shows that the guards have both sight and hearing ranges but they don’t trigger the on perception events
I put an ai stimulus source on the guards as well to see if it was a problem with the player but the guards also don’t trip the ai stimulus source for each other. I can’t begin to fathom why.
Here are the details for the guard’s ai stimulus source:
I tried replacing with pawn sensing and it didn’t work either so now I’m thinking there’s an issue with either the player or the guard. Is there some requirements before I can use ai perception that I just don’t know about?
Would you mind also sharing your blueprints/behavior tree? This would help us get a better grasp of what is going wrong outside of setting up your AI’s perception.
Any additional specifics you provide may go a long way in solving your problem.