I’m using UE5.2, to show the AI perception in debugging tool, after pressing “'”, press the Num Lock and then press 4 on the NUMBER PAD.
I guess the apostrophe key or the ’ key might differ on certain keyboards. One solution that worked for me is to remap the activation key.
In the project settings → Gameplay Debugger → input, you can reassign the Activation Key.
It seems that for me the issue was with getting the correct AI character selected. BY default it was grabbing an NPC character instead of the enemy with AI perception on it. In the top right corner, make sure the correct class is shown.
Your answer has to be the pinned one.
I had this issue because I have EU keyboard and there is no single ’ key, but only key combination which is not worked to show the debug HUD.
I tried to set the key bindings in Edit → Editor preferences… → Keyboard Shortcuts → Show AI Debug.
Thank you for pointing out the Activation Key setting.
Now I can setup the other numpad keybinds as my keyboard doesn’t have numpad too.
Had the AI Perception component in the character for some reason. Moved the component to AIController and the sense debugging started working. Maybe this will help someone
Thanks A LOT! I was struggling with enable debugging half day. I expected perception debug info should be shown for all AI pawns by default. But no - you have to select the one, which info you want to show.
Works perfect! Thanks for share the solution.
After a lot of suffering clicking the hotkey in everyway possible (p-linking the activation hotkey with the perception hotkey), I figured it out!!
You need to verify if your hotkey is working. Pressing it, the debugger should be toggled on the screen.
You need to verify if the selected debug actor is the desired AI pawn. If it is not AI it doesn’t draw the debug shapes.
When you hold the hotkey, the code will select the pawn that is closest and most centered on the camera view. Those two settings, distance and angle are configurable and you can find them on Editor Preferences → Advanced → Gameplay Debugger.
For my team the problem was we use an orthographic camera and what we see is completely different than what the debugger was considering as it’s view. Our fix was to set the max view angle to 90°.
In 2024 it still helps! Thank you!