AI perception perceiving Controlled Pawn as noise source?

Im starting with the AI perception system and so far i had understood the following things:

  • OnPerceptionUpdated: shows the actors that has been or stopped been perceived. So i validate my results breaking the AiStimulus with Succesfully Sensed if i need to know if its leaving or entering the Sensed state.
  • Use GetPerceivedActors together with GetActorsPerception to filter out which actors had been perceived depending on the sense i want to prioritize.

Right now, my logic is simple.

  • Controlled Pawn breaks a wall
  • The wall is destroyed and a Destructable Wall is spawned (spawn is being called inside the Pawn BP)
  • The Destructable Wall calls a MakeNoise on the Begin Play (tagged with Wall)
  • AI OnPerceptionUpdated is triggered
  • AI moves to location

All that works fine, but when i debug it the Updated Actors reports my Pawn as the noise source. i got a different logic running in parallel (EQS that looks for my pawn on visibility) and that works fine. however, both logics are totally independent. as long as i dont trigger noise events on other actors, the sight part works as expected, as soon as i make a different actor make noise, it associates it to my pawn.

This has been tested with a simple Even Tick on a different random Actor, independent of my Pawn with MakeNoise, and in this case the AIchar never detects it. Tried adding AIPerceptionStimuliSource (register on Hearing) on every noise source.


Could it be that you are missing a NoiseEmitterComponent?

Good luck with your project!