AI Perception - How to set up blueprint?

I’ve been looking through the documentation for AI Perception, and have watched several hours of Youtube videos, but I seem to be stuck. I’ve configured my sight and hearing in the AI Perception component, and the two event options for the component seem to be firing properly.

But I’m surprised there’s no seperate event options specifically for:

-AI sees target

-AI loses sight of target

-AI hears sound within radius

What’s the best way to set this up?

Without much information about your setup it will be difficult for us to assume anything.

Add AI Perception Component to your Actor that will see and hear.
Set Sight and Hearing Sources, and adjust the visual and Hearing radius.

Add AI Perception Stimuli Source to your actors that you want to be seen or Heard.
Set the sources for Hearing and Sight and adjust. (you may need to add a pawn noise emitter)

With AI Perception on your Look/Hear Actor you can use OnPerceptionUpdated. This will give you an array of all actors perceived.

From there you can simply create an array as a variable and cycle through each and perform your checks to calculate what you want to be labled as a target etc.

Remember :

You need a stimulus on the actor you want to see or hear. And you need to add a Stimulus type Sight/Hearing.

Your Actor that Looks and Sees needs to have Sight and hearing Configured. Each of those settings will have a radial value.