I moved the start point to a different part of the map on the same floor level as the actor, and now everything works fine.
Nice! Silly issues sometimes haha Glad it’s working.
I neglected to mention that my game is set up to stream multiple sub-levels in order to save resources. The area that this actor is meant to patrol in is a streamed level, and now starting from the beginning the AI Move To fails again when its level is loaded.
Well that’s the problem right there! You can’t tell the AI to patrol to a point that doesn’t exist yet. If it isn’t streamed it’s not there so you’re always gonna get an error. All the points have to be in one level.
I moved the target points to the persistent level, and now the AI moves but frequently gets stuck in random areas for a while, then continues moving.
Well at least it is continuously moving now, AI does occasionally get “stuck” you would have to check those specific areas of your map and see what might be holding the AI up. Look at the blueprint during simulation and see where the path finding logic might be breaking down a bit and code a work around for the AI so if it can’t reach a point after 2 or 3 seconds select a new point etc.