This is my first post here after almost 2 years working by myself with UE4 and fighting with every bug…but these days I’m so so tired. It would be awesome having a little help from any veteran guy.
(It’s on the controller blueprint of the possessed pawn)
Okay…so, I have a mountain with an obvious pathfinding to the top but the pawn is not able to reach any location over the top, if the initial position is the other side of the mountain. Allowing partial path the pawn reachs the base of the mountain and then it stops.
Maybe slope is too steep? There is a setting on movement component for that. Other reason can be actor radius, not fitting through narrow passages. You can also place nav links in places for ai to try and jump over gaps in nav mesh.
Thanks for your answer but I remember you that the pawn is able to reach the top. The problem is when it tries to do it from the other side of the mountain. (of course the values that you mention are already modified)