AI not seeing player


I am loosely following this tutorial: Unreal Engine AI with Behavior Trees | Unreal Engine - YouTube

I have successfully setup the AI going to random locations, but now I have added an AI Perception component and it is never called.
This is what that code looks like:

And this is the blackboard:

It never registers seeing the player.
Any ideas?

First, what’s under your Senses config? Are all affiliations (neutral, friend, enemy (everyone is probably neutral)) checked?

And then I’m gonna need to see a lot more Print String in there. How are you doing this without them. This looks way too clean to be functional :smile: I’d establish first that I can get it in a print string. Behavior tree brings its own potential issues.

You’ll want to check stimulus also, whether lost or gained, because it’s going to trigger for both. It’ll never stop having a target otherwise.


I checked all affiliations and added register as source for senses in the player BP.