Hi, so I’m trying to have my AI character face the player when it hears them, keep looking at the player, and then wait a second or two to react and run away. I tried using rotate to face BB entry, but it just stands there and gets stuck. The PlayerActor is set, but it says there is no focal point. I also have my AI’s controller rotations all ticked to none and I did try ticking it on and neither option worked. I’ve also tried the different rotation settings in character movement.
Did you set your base class in your blackboard key? Just in to double check before delving further, check out the official Unreal quickstart that goes over how to set up that node in particular:
Hopefully the above contains your solution, but if not at least that narrows down the possibilities!
Hey, @DomusLudus. I have this plugged in when the AI hears the player in the AI controller and it sets the focal point now. But the look at BB entry still gets stuck.
It’s very strange, everything looks good , the only thing that occurs to me is that you could do is create your own task using get focal point so you can debugg easy.
Ok, I figured it out. It was something that I was pretty sure I had ticked, but maybe I had another setting enabled or disabled and it just wasn’t working. But basically, we want to make sure that the Use controller desired rotation is checked and the box below that is unchecked. Thank you for your help!