AI navigation on BP generated map

I have a map generated by BP. There are AI mobs with dynamic navigation on the map. Nav Mesh covers the whole map. The floor consist of pieces each of it is Actor with static mesh. In this case there is no issue with AI, mobs ran properly.

I tried to optimize the map and spawn static mesh instead of Actor. In this case floor looks good, player can walk on it but mobs stuck and don’t move.
What might be wrong?

Are your static meshes set to movable or static?

Are they set to have ‘Can affect pathing’ switched on?

Are they set to simulate physics?

How is the collision for your static meshes set up?

Can you post a screenshot of your level with pathfinding view (shortcut P) switched on?

Floor is not green in case of static meshes.

Static meshes ara placed by “Add Static Mesh Component”
How to make these spawned meshes green?



You might want to look into your project settings.

Open your project settings:


Then under the tab “Engine” go to the option called “Navigation Mesh” and change the red marked option from “Static” to “Dynamic”.

My assumption is that your Nav mesh doesn’t rebuild, when new static meshes appear. Hope this helps :).

Dynamic is on.
If i generate floor from Actors which contain just static mesh then flori covered by green. So dynamic nav is work.

Ok, Maybe I have a solution for you now. My AI actor always freaks out, when I spawn an big obstacle in front of it.

Go into your World Outliner and look for an object called “RecastNavMesh”:

Then change the red marked parameter to something high like I did. I choose a value around 10000, but if this doesn’t work, make it higher. If this doesn’t work at all, then I have no idea, what it is right now.

thank, DarkGodsLair, but Tile Size UI didn’t help :frowning:
goin to try in 4.12 some later