I am facing an issue with the function MoveTo, I don't know if this is really a bug or not. I didn't find any workaround to do what I want. I have reproduced the issue in a small project. Here is the [dropbox link](https://www.dropbox.com/s/1lly2fnm51umahg/MoveToBug.zip?dl=0) if you want to test.
Issue explained :
- I used the TopDown template
- A character spawn at the right and it has to reached the left. I used Behavior Tree and AI to do that
There is a blocking object in the middle that block him
When you run the project, the character is blocked (he is not moving) because of this blocking object and this is normal
By pressing D key you can disable the collision of this object
When you do that it works as expected, the player run towards its direction
Then I re-enable the collision by pressing E. The character stop at the blocking object and it’s what it needed
But the MoveTo function succeed (a message is displayed (succeed) which proves that), and this is the issue. I want the character to stop but the function MoveTO not to return true.
Relatives information :
Navigation Mesh is set to dynamic in the Project Settings
- I unchecked “Allow Partial Path” in the Behavior Tree
Do you know how the MoveTo function could return "false"? Is this the excepted resultt and I have to code something by myself to do that?
Sorry for my english.