Hi All
I have 2 questions, both I have got to work but there must be a simpler way.
Game Basics:
Type: Top Down
Event: NPC goes to one location, triggers overlap & collects items, goes to character, triggers overlap and transfers items to Character.
Locations: Possible up to 20 when game complete.
Moving to Targets:
At this stage I have setup 3 buildings, 1 Wood, 2 Metal & 1 Bank. The character can walk up to the Wood & Metal buildings, click on them and the items get transferred to the character.
What I have setup on top of that is now to get AI Pawns to go to the Wood & Metal buildings, collect it & deliver it to me. Now this works, but it is very messy and by the I finish, my blueprint will look a little like someone dropped spaghetti on the floor.
To go to the buildings, I put a Target at the front door, put a ‘TAG’ on it. Then inside the character, did a loop for each and looked for the TAG.But the loop never seemed to find the TAG, and this seems overkill for one Target, but wanted to do this in case I moved the building. At this point I am using ‘Simple Move To Location’ and manually entering the location.
Is there an easier way to do this?
Giving Items to Character:
I have place a Collision around the character, when AI Pawn overlaps, I Cast to Each AI until it finds the correct one, each being fired on ‘Cast Failed’
Now if I have 20 different buildings & items, this would be very hard to amend or debug. Is there anything like a ‘BP interface’ that I could use instead of all this casting?
With Regards