From further research it appears that this issue was a bug and according to logs it was meant to be resolved in update 4.14. I am currently on engine 4.15 and have this issue!
What I think is happening in your case is that you’re calling the move to event more than once before it has a chance to finish, which is causing the stuttering to occur. If you place a print string after the Move To events, you’ll notice that they are being called more than once before the move is finished, at least if my theory is correct.
Let me know if this is not the case, and we can continue to investigate.
Hi, Sorry, it has taken me a while to get back to this.
This issue is caused when the Navmesh over my tile-map is too wide. I sized down the width and somehow that resolved my issue. When i size up the Navmesh again the issue comes back. I can still replicate this in Unreal Engine 4.15.1.
It is not being caused by the AI Move To event being called multiple times!
If you would like i will video this and link to the video?
Sure, you can link a video so I can take a look. However, if you’re altering the Nav Mesh settings and it’s causing odd behavior, it’s possible that it’s not a bug. If changing the settings will allow your AI Movement to work properly, it is likely that that is the intended workflow.
I ran into a similar issue but when using a behavior tree and my ai enemy would keep jittering and barely moving when moving to a random point. Figured it out that it needed to wait until it finished the move to before moving on to finish execute.