AI MoveTo Problem

I’m still very new to BP Visual Scripting and this so happens to be one of my first stand alone classes, it’s an AI class that handles things like Roaming, Chasing Players, Initiating combat, determine combat types, aggressiveness etc.
It’s apart of a RPG Minimum Viable product so there hasn’t been much streamlining done yet (almost exhausted my knowledge of programming so it’s going to stay like this for a while).

I’m actually having two problems, but I’m hoping they go hand in hand.

First as you can see in the video as soon as it senses a Pawn it looks away so I need to re-catch it’s sight.
Second is when I’m out of it’s AttackableRange it’s instructed to Sprint/Run/Walk to my location and get back into it’s AttackRange (Melee, Ranged, Magic distances) which it isn’t doing, even though the AI MoveTo is being executed as you can see when I’m out of the attack range, but it doesn’t move my AI, it may be a problem with my Initiate Combat Graph.

I’ve been staring at the bloody thing for hours now and probably need some fresh eye’s and some more expertises.

Also, if you have any tips, I’ll happily take 'em

Cheers guys,

Hey dp. I have to say that’s a pretty impressive setup outside of a behavior tree. None of your aimoveto’s in Onpawnsee appear to have a target to move to. If its a single player, you can ‘get controlled pawn’ from your ‘get player controller’ and connect that to the target actor pin in your aimoveto nodes.

Thanks :slight_smile: Although it’s literally held together by tape but it’s getting the job done atm, and yuhp problem was fixed after I had a bit of rest and a lot of pre-sleep thinking.

I had it set-up correctly with my mock-up player follow but missed some connections when I decided I could make the AI behaviour a bit more complex.

I had some misconceptions about behaviour tree’s which for the most part were cleared up in my forum help thread so once I’m satisfied with my BP set-up I’ll begin learning to use behaviour trees, for the time being my main focus is learning how to use the different systems within Blueprints.

p.s main reason for the complexity of my current system is because I’m using a single AI to run various tasks of other planned AI, so when I’m ready I’ll start putting certain graphs in the parented AI classes (not to sure if I’ll need an AI mob that can use all three combat styles (but would be cool right)) :3