After a succesful AI Moveto command my character just seems to stop instantly without taking the deceleration and/or friction settings into calculation at all. I don’t have a clue why this is happening. I’ve posted a picture of my very simplistic setup. I’m very new to the engine so I also don’t know how to come up with custom deceleration/friction systems for my characters.
Deceleration is currently not supported for path following. This request does exist in our system as UE-17495, but there is currently no timeline as far as when it will be implemented.
You could attempt to do something along the lines of getting a reference to your Character Movement Component and then lowering the MaxWalkSpeed as the Character gets closer to the target location. However, keep in mind that if you change this value, you’ll need to reset it to its default in order for the character to move at full speed again once they reach their destination.
Stuck on the same problem. Clapfoot found a solution and it works
In PathFollowingComponent.cpp, line 51, set bStopMovementOnFinish to false.
Path following will still work.
That’s it.
PS.: you need the engine source, of course.
Maybe Epic can expose this variable to blueprints in future releases?
Hi Sean,
I have this issue too, and deceleration not working on my AI character,
I using 4.10.2 …
I couldn’t find UE-17495 on portal, what’s happened to this issue ?
This flag is accessible under the CharacterMovement component in the Nav Movement section of the details panel “Use Acceleration for Paths”. With it enable the AI controller pawns decelerate when approaching their target point.
This does nothing.
Checking or unchecking “Use Acceleration for paths”, checking or unchecking “Use Fixed Braking Distance for paths”, setting a value of 0, 500 or 1000 in the “Fixed path braking distance”, makes an AI to stop immediatly when it reach its destination after the “MoveTo”.
Do we need to change other deceleration/friction settings in the CharacterMovement component?
I tested this and I’ve found that checking Use Acceleration for Paths as well as changing the Braking Deceleration Walking setting in Character Movement: Walking gives decent results. You’ll need to tweak the value to suit your needs, but I’ve had good results when setting it to 1100.
Could you give that a try and let me know if it helps?