On a picture below, I use BTTask to find a random point of interest actor inside level, the lamp on bottom left is one of those actors, where the capsule collision is used as an actor to which AI will be moving to.
After getting this capsule collision from POI actor, then getting world location and capsule radius which both acts as an input parameters for GetrandomPointInNavigableRadius I set output Random Location as a target location, to which in Behavior tree AI moves to with “Move To” node.
I have a level with a building that has 2 floors. The issue is that AI correctly moves to given target location in X and Y axis, but not always in the Z axis. That means that AI moves to a target location but on a different floor. I also output GetRandomPointInNavigableRadius Random Location and it outputs correct floor but AI still decides to go to a floor above/below. I do not understand why…