My AI can walk in world but can not walk on stairs plz help
Check the character’s:
1- Max Step Height.
2- Walkable Floor Angle.
These are found at the CharacterMovement component of the character.
Also check the stairs collisions and make sure they are correct.
cant do plz contact at
Hey there @Arham_Gamer_01! What do you mean by “Can’t do”? Does it not work? This can fail on larger step height stairs and you may need to create a simple collision.
If you wanna keep it real easy, though not very efficient, just place an invisible plane on top of the stairs
it doen not work after putting collision ai can not walk
Is the navmesh volume encompassing the entire stairs mesh? If the height of the mesh is not at least as high as the stairs it won’t work
nevmesh volume is covering whole map but not staires
but by invisble plane it is perfect
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