So I tried making an ai that simply follows you when he sees you, but it doesn’t really work…
when I test it just stays in one place and it just rotates towards me. Here’s the code I have in the enemy blueprint:
I assume that you have a NavMesh setup in your level and your actors are within the reachable ranges in that navmesh? Might be a dumb question, but just in case…
I think, that the result is not really reliable on the upper execute pin - at this point, it only returns a cached result from previous runs. So, better print the movement result values you get from OnSuccess and OnFail as well.
If you see abort, this means that your AI does not have a path to your player character.
How does your navmesh look like?
This looks ok. Did you change any values in the Movement component? For example, setting max acceleration or movement speed to 0 could cause movement to stop.
Another thing, although I don’t believe it is related to that: I do not use the pawn sensing, but work with AI Perception instead. If you just trigger the AI MoveTo by a simple keyboard press event instead of the follow player logic: for debugging, reducing things to minimum is always a good idea.
So I did find the solution and it was from the capsule component… apparently, it was too small and my character was in a T pose and he was going out of the capsule so I made him smaller and it worked… but it’s not really a challenge if he is the size of your foot. so do you know a way to make the capsule bigger without making the mesh bigger too?
Here, in the details you can set capsule half height and radius
But, i don’t believe, that this has any influence on the ai movement. My model bounds also go outside the capsule, but it moves. What I see in your video is, that the character seems to float a little bit above ground. Might be, that with your changes this also changed and that this causes the trouble.