AI move to target points with tag

Hello there.
I 've put 3 target points with tag(screenshot 1) in an array and my question is how can I move the AI to the specific target point of my choice? How can I get a reference of the tag of the target point?

AI always goes to the first index of the array(TargerLeft), i guess because of the simple variable TargetPoint .(screenshot2)

Hi there! Where and when do you want to make this decision? Depending of that there can be different implementations.

![Lack of information sorry :stuck_out_tongue: I want to spawn actors randomly in 3 different locations(screenshot1), where the Y axis changes only. As you can see there are 3 cubes, I want them to go through them and move to Target Points(they are behind the cubes). I guess the easiest why is to check the Y axis of the pawn and if it’ s for example 40 go to array[0] , if it’ s 10 go to array[1] else go to array[2](array of target points). The functionality with the array is good. I basically don 't need Tag for target points. But enemies are spawning only in left side.(screenshot2)
If there is an easiest way of doing it, I 'm glad to see.

I made this but it 's returing -2 for Y axis everytime. I guess the OR integer is not right. I want it to choose between 0,-290,-140.

So silly of my it 's bitwise integer so… I guessed there was a functionality where it randomly chooses between 2 or more numbers but i cant find something. It ’ s working now