AI move to target not working

Hello everyone,

Im so sad that even simple AI move to target that is placed in leve lis not working anymore.

I want to make spawner for enemies that goes to target point in level here are blueprint screenshots:

Blueprint for AI

I have nav mesh bound volume in level:

Blueprint for spawner:

Result is spawning enemies that stay in place:

If you know the issue please help, thank you.

One thing I see is that the behavior tree isn’t selected while spawning

Have you tried calling spawn default controller on enemy spawn? Assuming the classes default controller is your AI controller

hi,check this

Thank you for suggestion but I have character class for my AI where is character movement so I can adjust speed of them.

Yes, same result.

character has the option too.the AI move to needs an Ai have to set the option to spawned or placed in world in order to spawn the ai controller

Ooooh now I found it thank you I set the option in spawner and in AI and it worked!!!
Thank you so much.