AI Move to suddenly stopped working

Hello guys, i have created a AI Controller that worked fine but after I have created a main menu, my AI characters stopped moving. I have used breakpoint to find out if node is executed ant it is. I have set a navmesh. I didn’t make ANY changes to the ai controller or related classes, it just randomly stopped working, it just stays in one place. It was working perfect before. Any ideas?

Same issue, Working on Virtus RPG Tutorial and after I created the main menu, selected all and Moved it down the AI stopped working.

After over 5 hours of trying. I got mine working again. Make sure your Nav Mesh is High Enough (the green Lies) and Build All( not just Paths or lighting, Build All) that is what fixed it for me.

In my case i just move te nav mesh beyond the map, and then i just move it back its place. Doing this the AI just work again

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I think i have the same problem… I made a fox BP controlled by an AIController so it can roam… After some changes it stopped roaming and it only stands still doing the basic animation… I undid those changes but it still doesn’t roam…tried many things as building and fixing the Nav Mesh but nothing happened… It works on a new blank project but migration doesn’t work as well… What can i do ? i can’t figure what causing the AI to stop functioning…

In such cases its mostly the nav mesh. In the editor press “P” to visualize the nav mesh and check if the AI is within the green zone. Otherwise delete the existing and apply a new nav mesh

Can you please share the blueprint with us?

sure this is the BP of the AI… It’s very basic…

I am using VR Editor and i added ThirdPerson so i can play with ThirdPerson to test it… Don’t know if it has anything to do with the problem. I have checked that the “AI Move to” node fails with a string output. It works fine on a new project.

Do you use “PawnSensing”?

Because you do the whole code once. If the AI reaches the destination, nothing will happen


Man you are the best! I didn’t use Pawn Sensing but i tried it and it started moving when it saw me. So then i disable the Pawn Sensing and it continued roaming itself! Somehow the bug was fixed itself! Thanks a lot!

Well done :slight_smile:

Maybe you could also try it this way: if the AI reaches its destination, it trys to sense the player again. If the player is sensed, it moves to the player location (just for the future if you have problems with that)



I will keep it in mind! Thanks!

where do I find this “Build All” setting?

When you’re in the level editor, you’ll see Build at the top of the screen where File and Edit are. It won’t be there if you’re looking at a blueprint. But deleting the nav mesh and making a new one is what worked for me.