AI Move To rotation issue (pitch and roll)

Hey there,

I´m pretty new to unreal engine so I might be missing something…

I have an enemy Pawn with a Behavior Tree to roam around and follow the player on AI Perception Sight. Everything is working great so far…

If the enemy Pawn sees the player I play a scream animation before chasing the player (using rootmotion on everything!), but when playing this animation the pitch and roll rotation on the Pawn are going crazy and the actor rolls forward and to the left or right (only a few degrees every time the animation plays, but it then stays in that position and it gets even worse when the animation is playing again).

This also happens on turn left/right animations. Walking and running animations are fine (seems to only happen when the Pawn isn´t moving). To stop the Pawn movement I simply set the speed variable to 0.

I have disabled roll and pitch in my enemy Pawn BP. Yaw rotation is working as excpected.

I´ve used the exact same animations with the roam and follow player logic directly in the blueprint (without Behavior Tree, etc.). This way everything seems to work fine, but I really want to use a Behavior Tree.

I really hope someone can help me with this. Thanks!

Update: No issues with other characters, seems like the animations are the problem I guess…