'AI move to' not working randomly

I intended to have a drone character following me constantly, but it doesn’t. Sometimes it follows me, but sometimes it stops. I have no idea why this happens.

This is my blueprint code intended to follow the player(player cast is saved from BeginPlay). It is a simple loop triggered by BeginPlay calling ‘Follow’ custom event.
The drone character’s parent class is ‘Character’. I added a drone static mesh under the Capsule Component.

I tried connecting every pin from AIMoveTo node to the last node, I tried using delay between them. I also tried smoothing the entire landscape enough to reduce empty navmesh holes.
Dynamic navmesh settings are all default, and the drone’s code is simple enough.
I tried solutions from other questions, but no luck.

This drone should follow constantly because it’s looping.

This is the dynamic navmesh when testing. I can tell it is big enough that the drone would eventually follow me if I wait for a few seconds.

Hey @hib0823!

Are you absolutely sure that navmesh is large enough? Judging by the video, what it looks like is simply your character moving far enough that the drone runs out of navmesh space. Are you thinking the navmesh moves with the drone? Because this is a distance your character can cover in only a handful of seconds.

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