I have a default third person character. Duplicated, with a custom event to call jump, and ai move to actor. Thats it.
When my Ai Jumps, right after the apex of the jump and begins to fall. He completely stops moving and falls straight down. I have disabled air control, so he should not be able to stop his movement, but he still does. Any jump my AI does no matter where it is, he falls straight down half way through the jump when he begins to fall. This is a Blank brand new project, with only the duplicated character as the ai.
You can see in the picture right where he starts to fall straight down, zero forward or back movement.
Even if the do a launch character instead of a jump. I will launch him forward and up, but right when he begins to fall, the character just stops all forward movement. I watched other peoples videos on youtube of their ai jumping, yes there character makes the jump, but you can notice the ai falls straight down when they reach the peak of there jump.
I have the same problem. Any solution?
C++ solution, I’ll try and see if I can make a workaround in blueprints
I make my character jump, do a delay by .2, then i call Stop movement on the AI Controller (I believe). Then I check when the character is no longer falling. When falling is false, I then recall the AI Moveto