So I in my game, I have an Ai with pawn sensing. The Move to actor node works fine but I was wondering if there was a way for me to move my ai towards an actor, but it can’t go inside 30 meters of the actor. How would I do this? Is this possible? Thanks1
the simplest thing to do would just be to make the acceptance radius 3000 then the ai will stop at that distance from the player. that will not however keep them at that distance if the player move toward them.
Ok thanks that helps. But for the future, I’m wondering is there any way to make it where the player moves, they move, or is that too complicated?
if you want the ai to move to the player location then use a move to actor. im sure thats not what your meaning to ask but that is what you asked “where the player moves, they move”.
if your meaning that you want the ai to constantly maintain a specified distance from the player then you would need to be running a constant check of the distance from the player then adjusting the ai location. that would result in the ai constantly moving so i would go with a range of distance instead say 2500 - 3500.
Heres an example.
Ok Thank you!