AI mesh falls through floor or landscape


Sorry new to UE and learning. I have an AI mesh with a collision sphere having the minimum size 25. It has physics set in the blueprint but if it falls from the sky, it goes through the landscape or simple floor surface , I tried CCD setting but did not work. If it is spawned on any surface, it sits on it but when falling from the air , it goes through the surface. Any idea how to make it collide and stays on the surface when falling?


Hey @Claviateur!

If the surface or landscape is one you made, you need to assign collision to it as well if you have not done so!

You must open the Static Mesh and add collision using this button. :slight_smile:

The landscape is a free one I found on the Marketplace and I use for my tests. But how do I open a static mesh for a landscape?


Hey @Claviateur,

If your landscape is using static mesh(es) from the Marketplace, the files will be in your content browser. Otherwise, check out this documentation on landscape collision:

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Thanks for all your suggestions:

So after I checked the landscape I am using for the test, all the settings were according to the recommendations to get max collision precision etc.

Then I created a test landscape without any vegetation, and I started noticing that sometimes the falling AI hit the ground, sometimes it goes through it.

The only way to make it always hit the ground is to set CCD in the Physics Asset.

I wonder if this is the right thing to do